Friday 22 March 2013

SOL: 22.3.13

Writing a slice of my day of swimming
My students have been having swimming lessons for two weeks now and this is their final day.  
Introducing Miss 6 year old as our photographer today!
"Mrs K, take a photo of me."  Her side profile pose.
"Make a funny face Mrs K and I'll take a photo." Miss 6 year old is clicking away, all the while giggling.  "You're funny Mrs K."
Miss 6 year old continued to take pictures of other children making funny faces.  (I'm not too sure where I was.)
More funny faces of Miss 6 year old's friends.  (Oh, there I am, top left.)
My students funny faces consisted of sticking their fingers in their mouths and stretching as far as possible.
Yes, Miss 6 year old did manage to take some photos of her class swimming.  
Our walk back to school.


  1. A six year old with a camera can produce some interesting results! I enjoyed her photos!

  2. They sure can and she really did a great job. I wish I could remember the conversations that we had while she was the photographer.

  3. What great memories you are making and recording here!

  4. Very interesting photo array. Nice way to creat memories!
