Friday, 8 March 2013

SOL: 8.3.13

Writing a slice of my

Today, I quickly cleaned up my classroom and changed into my biking clothes.  Last year, at the beginning of the year I was walking home from school and this year I bought myself a bike and I've been biking home from school.  Hubby drops me off in the morning and I bike home in the afternoon. I was feeling excited because Friday is the end of a school week and I get to rejuvenate.  Tonight I was looking forward to cooking one of my favourite meals.

Hubby arrived home from work and we went to the supermarket together, which is not really a done thing in our household.  I really dislike grocery shopping.  There is only the two of us at home and he dreads grocery shopping as much as I do.  Friday night is fish night.  Lately, we've been planning our meals a week ahead and we I decided that Friday would be Fish night.  

We arrive at the supermarket and he grabs a trolley and I grab my basket.  He goes his way and I go mine.  We must look like an odd couple with our separate trolley and basket.  But his mission is different from my mine and I like to take my time. He insists on rushing around throwing things into the trolley.  He's at the check-out in no time at all.  I just take my time. We accidentally meet at the frozen food department and I tell him I'm having salmon and ask him would he like salmon or battered fish.  He says, he wants to have steak.  I say, well it's Fishy-Friday.  I roll my eyes and say, okay!  He zooms off with his trolley to get his steak and I continue to walk up and down the aisle collecting my goodies.  

In my grocery basket I have my salmon, salad and my goodies for my lunches next week.  I make my lunches on Sunday and store them in the fridge.  Five lunches ready made for each day of the week.  One lease job to do in the morning before school.  I arrive back at the car and hubby says, where have you been?  Once again, I roll my eyes.  

Later in the evening he sits down to his meal of steak, salad and chips.  I sit down with my salmon and salad.  Both meals look delicious.


  1. Sounds like you have found a system that works for you! I'm about to be an empty nester. Not looking forward to many things about it, but I am looking forward to not having to grocery shop and cook unless I want to. Those are not my favorite jobs either.

  2. I too dislike grocery shopping ....but the husband LOVES the adventure and bargain as the nest has emptied...we have found ways to make it fun: once a month Costco runs; weekly trips to gourmetish vegetable markets; famrers' markets.. He also looks for coupons (I am NOT GOOD at that) and gets the bargains from regular grocery stores during his lunch break...and I praise him for his shopping efforts (silently thanking him that I do not have to do them) Viva la difference as they say in France!

  3. Not quite ships in the night but an interesting method for dealing with the necessary hunting and gathering that takes us somewhat reluctantly up and down the supermarket aisles. An interesting insight into your Friday night

  4. That's a handy approach to the weekly market run! I want to know more about the biking home from work. I often wish I lived closer to my school so that I could do just that.

  5. The key is to find a process that works for you, and you have. So who cooked the steak? I am growing weary of the planning, shopping, and preparing of meals too.

  6. We sometimes part ways in the grocery store. Never thought of taking two baskets! I often end up carrying stuff in my arms until I find him!

  7. I saw someone with two baskets last week. You people are on to something. Have you seen these? Time and life saver for me : )
