Sunday, 31 March 2013

SOL: 31.3.13

Thank you Ruth and Stacey for the opportunity to write.

The challenge this time around for me has been a little harder.  I'm not sure why.  At times I found it intimidating reading how well other writers wrote.  I didn't comment as much as I did last year.  I read some wonderful daily slices.  I loved some of them so much and they inspired me to keep chugging along.  Some blogs I wanted to follow so that I could go back and visit but I didn't know how to.  I read one daily slice about the love of a grandmother.  I read about people's faith.  I read about feeling vulnerable in the classroom.  I read part 1 of a short story but I couldn't find the blog to read part 2.
Thank you to the people who came and commented on my daily slice.  You kept me going as well. I relied on poems a lot this time around.  They were easier to write because they could be shorter.  I could write down feelings vaguely without being specific.  I loved the fact that I'm a day a head of America so even when I thought I had missed a post, I was always just in time to post before the daily sliced was closed.  

I hope to write every Tuesday but I'm not sure if I can do it.  I said I would do it last year and never kept up with it.  It's funny how that even in my classroom slice my children have been a lot harder to motivate.  I've had individual students write some wonderful slices.  I wouldn't say they were daily slices about their lives.  One student wrote a wonderful legend, which she has started writing to her blog.  So I suppose that's a plus.  I had one boy tell me how much he loves writing.  We have a writing table in our class.  There is a lot more drawing going on than writing.  But I'm truly grateful for this month of writing. 


  1. Christina, I hope you know that your writing has been inspiring and fun to read. This is my first year at this, so all was new. I did not try poetry so I am impressed that you found you did more of that this year. I hope you continue to write on Tuesdays...even if you don't write each Tuesday. I too, wanted to read part two of a story and never found it. It sounds like your writing table is full of creative thoughts...and drawing pictures is a bit part of that. Thanks for writing this month. Jackie

  2. Thank you Jackie, for visiting my blog. And, I only wish I could write with the ease that you do.
