Sunday, 31 March 2013

SOL: 31.3.13

Thank you Ruth and Stacey for the opportunity to write.

The challenge this time around for me has been a little harder.  I'm not sure why.  At times I found it intimidating reading how well other writers wrote.  I didn't comment as much as I did last year.  I read some wonderful daily slices.  I loved some of them so much and they inspired me to keep chugging along.  Some blogs I wanted to follow so that I could go back and visit but I didn't know how to.  I read one daily slice about the love of a grandmother.  I read about people's faith.  I read about feeling vulnerable in the classroom.  I read part 1 of a short story but I couldn't find the blog to read part 2.
Thank you to the people who came and commented on my daily slice.  You kept me going as well. I relied on poems a lot this time around.  They were easier to write because they could be shorter.  I could write down feelings vaguely without being specific.  I loved the fact that I'm a day a head of America so even when I thought I had missed a post, I was always just in time to post before the daily sliced was closed.  

I hope to write every Tuesday but I'm not sure if I can do it.  I said I would do it last year and never kept up with it.  It's funny how that even in my classroom slice my children have been a lot harder to motivate.  I've had individual students write some wonderful slices.  I wouldn't say they were daily slices about their lives.  One student wrote a wonderful legend, which she has started writing to her blog.  So I suppose that's a plus.  I had one boy tell me how much he loves writing.  We have a writing table in our class.  There is a lot more drawing going on than writing.  But I'm truly grateful for this month of writing. 

SOL: 30.3.13

Writing a slice of my life...A poem for my grandson

I nearly missed the 30th post. My daughter is working this Easter weekend and I'm on grandma duties. I find that when my normal routine is interrupted I'm all out of sorts. I have no idea what to write and I'm really struggling to get something written down.

Since I'm babysitting my grandson I thought I'd write him a little poem.

This is a poem for you my, Moki
Because you brighten my day
With your cheeky smile
You fill my heart with joy

This is a poem for you my, Pumpkin
Because your giggles make me giggle
With your chubby little cheeks
Your naughty little grin

I love the way you
Dive into your swimming pool
Blow bubbles in the air
Tell me to read you bedtime stories

I hope that you will
Always love life with such enthusiasm
Reach for the stars in everything you do 
Be the very best that you can be

This is a poem for you my, Moki 

Friday, 29 March 2013

SOL: 29.3.13

Writing a slice of my life...I'm from
I read a wonderful slice today about "I'm from" and I've used this idea to have a go for myself.

I’m from a coastal town

Swimming at the beach with family

Diving into the ocean

Lying on the beach

Collecting shell fish off the rocks

I’m from the blue house

Playing go home stay home

Racing the neighbourhood kids

Playing on the swings at the park

Mischievous was my first, middle and last name

I’m from the sweetest house

Children’s birthday parties and adults playing cards 

A kowhai tree greeted me before I left and when I returned

Married in the garden

Safe haven from the hospital

I’m from the house that backed onto the park

The ivy covered tree out front

Basketball hoops and rollerblades

Family members gathering in celebration

My children’s childhood home

I’m from the house beneath the mountain

Crispy mornings and bitter winters

A place of prosperity

Walking back in time and a slower pace of life 

A place for only him and I

I’m from the 7th room

Students singing and counting in 2s, 5s and 10s

Guided reading around the working table

Shared writing and attempting to inspire the love of language

Shaper of minds and blessed

Thursday, 28 March 2013

SOL: 28.3.13

Writing a slice of my life...prayer with my friends

I prayed
I would have a word
As I listened
I heard the voice of God

Today, I met with a group of women friends and our group is called the, Ladies Prayer Circle.  I haven't always been able to make the group but today I was able meet up and pray with my friends.  It was awesome.

We prayed for our friends that couldn't make it to the meeting.
We prayed for the needs of our friends.
We shared the word of God.
We prayed some more.

It was wonderful.

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

SOL: 27.3.13

Writing a slice of my life...acrostic poem

Today I feel so exhausted
I’m sneezing and my
Runny nose is making me rather miserable my
Energy is being zapped by the onset of a cold
Drinking lots of fluids is supposed to help me feel better

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

SOL: 26.313

Writing a slice of my thing I...

One thing I noticed today is that JK is my quiet strength.

One thing I recognised today is that stress makes me vulnerable.

One thing I liked about today is hearing my boys say, “I love writing.”

I like it because although I’ve struggled with the slice of life challenge personally and in our classroom, my students are developing a love for writing.

My mood for today was cheerful as I contemplated the target plans that needed to be completed. The oral language assessment kit I needed to get from another teacher. I reminded myself about a scripture from the Old Testament. This scripture is about when Queen Esther went before the king to plead for her peoples lives.

“Go, gather together all the Jews who are in Susa, and fast for me. Do not eat or drink for three days, night or day. I and my attendants will fast as you do. When this is done, I will go to the king, even though it is against the law. And if I perish, I perish.”

This scripture gave me strength as I thought about the pressure I was feeling at school. I believe this scripture gave me strength because I believe I am where I’m suppose to be and God will give me the strength to accomplish what I have to do. Obviously, I’m not Queen Esther but I drew strength from her life. She remained faithful to her people in a time that was difficult. She drew her strength from God.

I connected to someone day when I read another slicer’s post about feeling the pressure of being a teacher. She felt like she was in the wrong place. The fact that she had these doubts made me think she is exactly in the right place because she is reflecting about herself and her role as a teacher.

I feel I connected because last week I felt exactly the same.

Today is about believing that I have the best job in the world. I get excited about walking into my classroom. I think this because I love teaching and I love hearing children read. When a child at the beginning of the year knew no words, she was able to read 5 words from her word list to me. I hear children make connections with how Jolly Phonics helps them decode tricky words. I enjoy the chitter-chatter of my children talking about their daily lives.

One question I have about today is should I be more ambitious.

I thought that this question is important because I am I contented with the fact that a classroom teacher is what fulfils me now. I see other teachers being prompted and it makes me wonder. If God wants me to be more ambitious then I will be listening to his still quiet voice.

Monday, 25 March 2013

SOL: 25.3.13

Writing a slice of my life...Chocolate Éclairs 

Tonight for dessert I made my hubby and I this dessert.  Here is my little poem about our Chocolate Éclairs.  I did an internet search for a recipe which required only one egg.  It was so easy to make and it makes a small batch enough to be satisfied without too many calories.

Chocolate Éclairs 
Delicious and delectable 
Melting, memorising, mystifying 
Choux pastry, chocolate icing on top with soft whipped cream
Tormenting, tasting, treasuring 
Scrumptious and luxurious 

Choux pastry
  • 20g butter 
  • 1/4 cup water 
  • 1/4 cup plain flour 
  • 1 egg
Preheat oven to 220C (425F, gas mark 7).

In a small saucepan bring water and butter to a boil. Add flour and mix vigorously with a wooden spoon until the mixture comes away from the sides and forms a ball. This should only take a few seconds.

Transfer dough to a mixing bowl, add egg and beat with an electric mixer until glossy and smooth.

Eclairs: Using a 1cm round piping tip, pipe dough into 3 inch long logs about 1 inch apart.

Bake at 220C (425F, gas mark 7) for 7 minutes, 180C (350F, gas mark 4) for 10 minutes + 5 minutes standing with the oven off and door slightly ajar.

Sunday, 24 March 2013

SOL: 24.3.13

Writing a slice of my life...Moko and Koko

Skyping with my family:
Quite often I have the laptop open and while my daughter and grandson have dinner, we also have dinner as well. We have a family meal together even though we are 250 kilometres away. I take for granted the conversations we have with our 2 (nearly 3 year) old grandson. Tonight, I could hear his mother teaching him how to say, triceratops. 


"You need to expand your vocabulary"

(I giggle to myself, she sounds like a teacher)

This is another little snippet of conversation that my husband and grandson had today. I’m watching television and I can hear my grandson singing.

The Maori word for grandchild is moko and the Maori word for grandfather is Koko.

Moko and Koko singing Old MacDonald via Skype

“E I E I O”
“Nana, where is Koko?”
“Old MacDonald had a farm…”
“E I E I O”
“Nana, where is Koko?”

“He’s outside...
Having a smoke

"Aw, why?"

“I don't know, it's yucky.”

“E I E I O”
“Nana, where is Koko?”

“Outside, darling.”

“Old MacDonald had a farm…”
“E I E I O”

Hubby comes inside: 

“Moko wants to sing, Old MacDonald to you.”

Old MacDonald had a farm, E I E I O
And on that farm he had a dog, E I E I O
With a ______?”

Grandson and Koko:
“Woof Woof here and a Woof Woof there”

“Like your dogs, aye Koko. I don’t have a dog, aye Koko.”

“Yes, but when you come to see me, Rum and Tarsh are your dogs too.”

“My dogs, Koko?” Cool!

Saturday, 23 March 2013

SOL: 23.3.13

Writing a slice of my life…I started and ended today

I started my day at 6.30 am and it was a bright sunny morning.
I ended my day at 11.30 pm and it was dark and warm.

I started my day with bacon, pancakes and coffee.
I ended my day with a bowl of salad (tomatoes, lettuce, cheese, carrots and avocado), juice and one pancake with a huge dollop of jam and cream on top.

I started my day alone and excited about my day while hubby is away hunting.
I ended my day alone and relaxed without hubby (hope he gets something).

I started my day with chatting to a face-book friend.
I ended my day with chatting to my daughter via Skype.

I started my day reading blogs.
I ended my day with reading blogs.

I started my day in my bedroom alone.
I ended my day in my bedroom alone.

(This idea was taken from Ruth Ayres blog)

Friday, 22 March 2013

SOL: 22.3.13

Writing a slice of my day of swimming
My students have been having swimming lessons for two weeks now and this is their final day.  
Introducing Miss 6 year old as our photographer today!
"Mrs K, take a photo of me."  Her side profile pose.
"Make a funny face Mrs K and I'll take a photo." Miss 6 year old is clicking away, all the while giggling.  "You're funny Mrs K."
Miss 6 year old continued to take pictures of other children making funny faces.  (I'm not too sure where I was.)
More funny faces of Miss 6 year old's friends.  (Oh, there I am, top left.)
My students funny faces consisted of sticking their fingers in their mouths and stretching as far as possible.
Yes, Miss 6 year old did manage to take some photos of her class swimming.  
Our walk back to school.

Thursday, 21 March 2013

SOL: 21.3.13

Writing a slice of my life...I stole this idea from another slicer

Listening: Nightline, in the city of Christchurch they are running low on diesel and some petrol stations have run out of diesel

Eating: Nothing, I might have a Milo and a mini mars-bar before I go to bed

Drinking: Milo

Wearing: My grey track suit pants, yellow t-shirt, black cardigan and long woollen jacket

Feeling: Flipping tired and a little overwhelmed

Weather: Early autumn, 7 degrees Celsius

Wanting: Easter holiday (29th March, 1st April and the 2nd of April)

Needing: Where do I start…to complete running records, maths assessments, target groups completed and handed in, portfolios completed, interim reports

Thinking: It’s Friday tomorrow and I can watch the rugby

Enjoying: My students are reading books from their browsing boxes and making our wormy grow.  A mother of a child that I taught last year came up to me and thanked me for helping her son in his reading and writing

So, there you are. My fallback post. Feel free to steal use on your own "I don't know what to write" days! I stole this idea from another slicer.

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

SOL: 20.3.13

Writing a slice of my life…shoes

I wouldn’t call these shoes my most favourite pair of shoes but they are the most comfortable pair of summer shoes I own for work.  After taking this photograph I realised that they look more like a sandal than a shoe.  I like the sound of the heels as I stroll across the deck at school.  These sandals are so versatile I can practically wear them with anything.  I feel great in them when I wear skirts, dresses and my favourite pair of harem pants.  
My children in my class and other children always comment on my sandals which I find amusing.    “Cool shoes, Mrs King.” 
They are such great shoes to wear at school because of their casual but cute look.  I really don’t wear them anywhere but at school during summer.  My daughter says they look like a Kim K pair of shoes.  I suppose that is good.  I hope they make it through another summer.  I really should start thinking about buying myself another pair of shoes for summer next year.

Monday, 18 March 2013

SOL: 19.3.13

Writing a slice of my life…laundry

Yuck!  I really don’t enjoy doing the laundry!  I should be a better wife and actually be a lot more enthusiastic about doing a job which is very important.  I really do enjoy wearing freshly washed clothes.  It’s just that I have this terrible aversion to getting the laundry done.  When I was just a stay-at-home mum I just did the laundry and I was quite organised.  But, now I just loathe it.

Well, I must go because I have laundry to do! J


SOL: 18.3.13

Writing a slice of my life…hair

My hairstyles over the years have changed and today I wear a shorter hairstyle than I did in my younger days.  My mother always said that your hair is your crowning glory.  When I was a teenager I use to love getting a spiral perm.  It was the in thing at the time.  When I became a mum I had long hair but I stopped perming it and went for the pulled back pony tail look.  When my children left home I cut all my hair off and went for the short bob look.  Today I still have the short bob look but it’s more shoulder length as I haven’t cut my hair for awhile. 

This poem is inspired by 15 lines talking to me today about hair.  I went to the first 15 websites and chose 15 sentences that spoke to me about hair and made a poem.  (S.Creech)

There's no excuse for a bad hair day!
Your dream look lies within…
The right shade can brighten your skin and emphasise your eyes.
Beauty inspired by nature.
Sexy Hair - Sexy Rocks...
Choosing a new look...use a virtual hair style program.
Medium length hairstyles are by far the most popular and versatile, and they are well suited to professionals, as well as a night on the town.
Find the haircut that will make your features pop.
Your hair is a fairly accurate barometer of you health.
Stress, smoking, and bad eating habits can make your hair dull and prone to breakage.
Hair is such and individual thing.
Looking good requires keeping up with the latest trends.
A really good haircut is truly a fine skill.
We love the ability to change our look at the drop of a dime if we wish.

The woman has olive skin, brown eyes and shoulder length hair.
She has a round face and high cheekbones.
Her trousers are dark and her dark shirt is spattered with blue sparkles.
Her introverted figure conceals a liveliness within.

Sunday, 17 March 2013

SOL: 17.3.13

Writing a slice of my life...meals shared with my favourite boys

Early this morning I woke up to my little grandson.  All he wanted was a drink of water.  I gave him a little drink, gave him a quick cuddle and put him back to bed.  An hour later my wee grandson was up for the day.  “My program, nana?” said my grandson.  T.V is switched on to, Jake and the Neverland pirates.  I put a cuddly rug over him and he happily watched his program.  Hubby was the next to get up. 

Hubby and grandson were sitting at the table drinking milo and eating toast.  “Would you like some porridge, my darling?”  I asked.  “Yes, please nana.”  I busied myself in the kitchen making porridge.  I placed three bowls on the bench.  One for grandson, one for hubby and one for me. 

It was glorious to be able to sit at the table with my precious hubby and our wee grandson.  On my porridge I had brown sugar and cream.  Hubby had white sugar and milk.  Grandson had raspberry jam mixed in with his porridge.  Our porridge was delicious!
My son was back for the weekend and I was also looking forward to cooking his breakfast as well.  “Good morning, boy!” I greeted him as he came into the lounge.  “Morning mum,” he replied.  “Would you like bacon and eggs for breakfast?”  “Yes please,” he answered.  I hustled myself into the kitchen.

Sizzling bacon is frying in the pan.  Home grown sliced tomatoes are readied to be sautéed.    Eggs are popped into the pan.  I leave our breakfast to cook-off and set the table.  “Breakfast is ready!”  I sing to my 3 favourite boys.  I pour juice for them and make myself a cup of raspberry-green tea.  Not a sound is heard.  My heart is warmed as we sit down to eat our breakfast. 

Shared breakfast this Sunday morning was a blessing.

Saturday, 16 March 2013

SOL: 16.3.13

Writing a slice of life…Giggles with my grandson

Grandson: “Nana, come outside and blow bubbles.”

Nana: “Okay, darling, I’ll just clean up the kitchen.”

Grandson: “Nana, come outside it’s cold inside.”

Nana: “Okay, I’m ready.”

Grandson: “Look Nana, they’re blue,”

Nana: “Wow, they’re so pretty.”

Grandson: “Pop them, Nana.”

Nana: “Okay, darling.”

Grandson: “Here, Nana you’re turn and I’ll pop them.”

Grandson: “They’re going higher, Nana.  There are heaps of them.”

Grandson: “Giggles-giggles.”

Grandson: “I pop them Nana.  My turn!”

Grandson: “Blow them higher Nana!”

Grandson: “I’ll get them!”

Grandson: “Giggles-giggles.”

Friday, 15 March 2013

SOL: 15.3.13

Writing a slice of my life...10 minute walk to swimming

Swishing plastic bags
Chattering voices laughter
Clump tramp slog arrive

Thursday, 14 March 2013

SOL: 14.3.13

Writing a slice of my day...I learnt

Today I went on a course called, Incredible Teachers Programme (C Webster-Stratton).  Quotes taken from her book and things I learnt.

I learnt that, "when students are disruptive or behave in ways that are counterproductive to students' learning, it all too easy for teachers to automatically react emotionally."

I learnt that, "rather than react to problem behaviours when they arise, teachers can anticipate the kinds of classroom conditions that are likely to produce disruptive or disengaged behaviours and take productive steps to prevent them."

I learnt that, "classroom structure provides the basic scaffolding framework that supports the child's ability to learn.

I learnt that, "predictable classroom routines and schedules, how transitions are handled, and clear guidelines for the expected behaviours, help children learn."

I learnt that, "giving hyperactive and inattentive students opportunities to move in appropriate ways." One example: provide a "wiggle space" in the classroom.

I learnt that, "be creative in your use of redirecting strategies-avoid repeated commands.  Use nonverbal and engaging activities.

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

SOL: 13.3.13

·         Alarm goes off and I push snooze button for another 10 minutes
·         Pushing snooze again
·         Crawl out of bed
·         Dressing gown on
·         Slip on my jandals
·         Put the jug on
·         Favourite mug on the bench
·         Raspberry/Green tea bag into my mug
·         One piece of toast into the toaster
·         Butter and jam ready
·         “Good morning dear”
·         Breakfast in hand sitting at the table
·         Watching good morning on the telly
·         Breakfast over in 10 minutes
·         Wash my dishes
·         Head to the bathroom
·         Showered
·         Choose my clothes for work
·         Make up on
·         Hair done
·         Lace my shoes
·         Put my lunch into my bag
·         Pack up my laptop
·         Thinking to myself, (have I got everything)
·         This week I’m driving to work
The last five weeks hubby had been dropping me off and I then I biked home
·         I park over by middle school
·         Unlock my classroom
·         Unlock the toilets
·         Put the rubbish bins out and the food-scrap bin (we have fruit in schools and collect the scraps in a bin for the pigs)
·         I was sick Tuesday and my class is a mess
·         I get out the jif and clean all the tables
·         I put felts away, scrap into the paper bin
·         Search room 6 for the clothes horse with my children’s togs on
·         Collect up the felts and colouring pencils and put away
·         Go and collect tissues boxes from the office
·         Chat to Karen about tabloid sports
·         Back in my class: Write my certificates for junior school assembly
·         Check my emails
·         Organise my students work for the day
·         Chat to students
·         Go to assembly
·         Take the roll

·         We have an unexpected visitor:
Great nana Morris has come to visit her great-grand-daughter.  What a wonderful surprise! She is 83 years old and still drives her car 350 kilometres one way to visit her family.  My children are smitten by this delightful lady.  She wants to tell my children about herself.  She pats me on the arm asking me if that is okay, “Of course it is,” I reply.  She tells the children about her family and how many grandchildren and great grandchildren she has.  Then she goes on to ask my children questions about their grandparents.  They eagerly put up their hands telling her about their grandparents and where they live.  My children then ask nana Morris questions.  What a wonderful surprise. We bid farewell to nana Morris and ask her if we could write her a letter about our swimming day.

·         We have 3 pieces of fruit while listening to our Jolly Phonics
·         Organise my class for swimming
·         Walk to the turtle pools
·         Instruct the class to get dress and give them the talk about what will happen if someone does do-dos in the pool.  The pool will be closed and we don’t want to be the class that closed the pool for the day.
·         Swim for half an hour
·         Students have a quick shower two-by-two
·         “Get dressed quickly” are my instructions
·         “Come on girls, hurry up!”  Same message for the boys
·         Quick head count
·         Walk back to school
·         Children put tog bags back into their bags
·         Morning tea time
·         Start writing our letter to nana Morris

·         Lunch time
·         Finish our letter to nana Morris
·         Write on each child’s hand their house group and age
·         Remind the students about twilight tabloid sports starts at 4.00
·         2.00 early finish

·         Come home for an hour: I have burger, chips and fizzy for an early dinner
·         Go back to school and set up my sports activities
·         Crazy day of 5 and 6 years competing against each other
·         Put my gear away
·         I have to stay at school until 7.00 pm
·         I fill my car with diesel
·         Home sweet Home

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

SOL: 12.3.13

Writing a slice of my life...I’m watching Fringe

Fear, Killing
It is the only way
Eradicate the baldies
With cold hearts
Twisting their minds
They are heartless
Death they fear not
Their thirst for breath
Fringe operatives
Must defeat
The baldies