Sunday, 4 March 2012

4.3.12 SOL

  1. To do list:
  2. Get to bed before 11
  3. Print weekly planning tick
  4. Send the template of the kiwi to schooltick  
  5. Post teacher registration tomorrow (very important) tick
  6. Lunch is in the fridge remember to take it in the morning tick
  7. 8.00 meeting in the morning be on time tick
  8. Remind students which house they belong and what colour they should wear tick
  9. Pack walking shoes and change of clothes (may have to walk home from school if I forget #9) tick
  10. Remind hubby to pick me up after school tick
  11. Take something out for dinner tick
  12. Hand out homework before lunch tick
  13. Second lunch duty tick
  14. Send a email to Chloe first day back at uni (courage and love)tick
  15. Charge camera tick
  16. Student IKAN profiles start this week (after lunch Monday)
  17. Remind syndicate leader about swimming notice
  18. This Thursday my release during syndicate assembly
  19. 6 year nets (2 more running records for R then 2 x CAP)
  20. Call and make a doctor's appointment (Do it Monday after school - 7 puffs left) tick


  1. The best part of lists, is checking or crossing the accomplishments off. This piece reminds me of another earlier this week about turning the page of the calendar. Thanks

  2. Lists sure to help keep us organized. What I find interesting is I have no idea what several of your items mean.Syndicate assembly? 6 year nets? But then this list is not for me, but you and you know what it is. Doesn't it feel good to check off those items?

  3. I am a list maker and I love this. I tend to use post it notes stuck to a corner of my desk. Don't you just love checking the off! It's such a feeling of accomplishment to watch that list dwindle down

  4. This is a great idea for me tomorrow. I wish I could get lunch made the night before. That would help.
