Slice of life challenge
1st March 2012
A place I love...
I love my classroom at school. I have lived in my current town for the last 8 years. I have my home with my husband, where we raised our 2 children. I have no other family here and my classroom is my home away from home. I really think about the layout of my classroom and how to meet the needs of my students. My classroom furniture is old and the walls are a bit tatty but by the end of a school year - my class has student work and teachers work all over it. I have a terrible habit of never throwing anything away. At the end of year when the trailer is outside our classrooms I'm in there looking for bargain. Old boxes! Broken desks! Shelves! I just love it. I have been teaching in this classroom for 4 years this being my fourth year. Each year I have moved my desk to 4 different corners of the classroom. This is a great way to clean and get rid of the clutter. I'm a clutter bug.
I have joined up with the challenge of slicing a part of my day each day for a month. I'm going to post a photo of my teacher look for the day and then slice a bit about that day. I even challenged my students to write a sentence a day about their day. They loved the idea especially being able to have a slice of life party.
I love my family.
I love my job as a teacher.
I love my own fashion.
I'd like to do more sewing.
I'd love to do more decoupage.
I'd love to do more quilting.
I'd love to do more physical activities like keeping fit.
Love to you all!